プレイヤーを信じ、コントロールしない。クリエイターが語る『Her Story』

The Game Awards 2015のBest Narrative部門など数々の受賞で知られる、実写ミステリー作品『Her Story』。これまで『サイレント・ヒル』シリーズなどを手がけてきた、クリエイターのSam Barlow氏のインタビューがGamasutraに掲載されています。


元記事:Gamasutra - Surrendering control and trusting in players with Her Story



“Its oddness is an advantage," Barlow surmises.


"If you’re browsing through all this stuff and flying through it, and you suddenly get a shot of real video footage of a real person among all the cartoon stuff, the 3D graphics, the aliens and explosions, you might sit up and say ‘Ok, that looks different,'" he says.



20年前、殺人罪の取り調べ情報を閲覧するときは、キーワードで検索する以外に方法がなかったとのことで、それが『Her Story』の「謎を暴いて事件を解決するため、数10秒の映像を視聴してキーワードを見つけ出す」というゲームシステムにつながっていったそうです。

“There’s definitely an element of surrendering control," he says. "When I started, it was quite scary for me because the last game I’d shipped, Silent Hill: Shattered Memories, was very much traditional storytelling, in that we had a big ending. While we did a lot that wasn’t traditional, it was still very much that everyone had the arc that led them to this cathartic ending, and that was the experience.’
開発当初はかなり不安でした。というのは、私の前作である『Silent Hill: Shattered Memories』は古典的なストーリーテリングを用いており、最後にはしっかりしたエンディングがあったのです。新しい試みもかなり入れましたが、それでもカタルシスのあるエンディングへ導くための古典的な物語要素は十分にあったんです」

“So going into this, it was kind of scary because we were surrendering that control," he says. "That said, the story has enough complexity that you can only break one thing at a time. There probably are players out there that had a very poor experience, with everything laid out and shown to them in the first five minutes.


"But I think the majority players are going to come across stuff at a good pace. Even if you do hit the ‘payoff’ of a story in the wrong order, there are still details and context that you can pull out of there. We have a really great ability as humans to put things together in our head, and infer things, so this was pushing that to an extreme. But I had the confidence that people would be able to give shape to the story, even if the pieces were coming at them in a different order.”


Barlow氏が『Her Story』の開発で得た教訓、「プレイヤーを信じ、過剰にコントロールしようと思わないこと」。


“I put one of those into the format of Her Story, and ‘played it’ myself," he says. "And even though this hadn’t been scripted at all and wasn’t designed as a puzzle, it was still very interesting and satisfying to just naturally discover certain words and themes coming up. Just because this is what happens when people talk anyway.”

「それら(本物の取り調べ資料)の一部を『Her Story』のフォーマットに落とし込んで、自分でプレイしてみました。


“My way of creating it was to think a lot about the story and what was happening to these characters, and I had a rough plan that in each interview this was going to come up, or this is what the detective wants to know from this interview. But once I’d done that I just allowed the characters to talk, and to weave a very natural path writing from within the characters.”



“I created a ridiculously complicated spreadsheet that kept crashing my computer, which basically looked at every single word used in the dialog, how frequently those words appeared, questioning whether some clips would ever show up in a search due to the words they use, and then that spat out a bunch of stuff. Some words I’d used too much, or used too many different words to refer to the same thing, so I’d use synonyms to trim it into shape.’


“So at that point there was no scripted route, there was no flow chart, the best way I can talk about it is in terms of sculpting. With a sculpture you stand back with your chisel and shave a little bit off the elbow here, tweak a little bit here. So I was essentially pruning and tweaking it so that mathematically it had a good distribution for people to come at it.”
