
GAMEPROの記事「Is The Nintendo 3DS Dead?」では、Chris Holt氏が「3DSは死んだ」、Kat Bailey氏が「まだ命はある」という立場でディベートを行っている。
以下、まずChris Holt氏の記事を引用します。

元記事:PCWorld - News, tips and reviews from the experts on PCs, Windows, and more


2010年のE3ではニンテンドー3DSの話で持ち切りだった。最初の四半期の売上も見事なもので、日本だけでも100万台を売り上げた。しかし、その熱狂がトーンダウンし、任天堂はその勢いを素晴らしいソフトウェアでつなぎ止めなければならなかった。そこに任天堂の失策があったのだ。たった1本のゲームソフトで四半期を持ちこたえるなんてできっこない。そう、『ゼルダの伝説 時のオカリナ 3D』だ。このソフトはよく売れたが、第2四半期に売れた3DS本体はたった70万台と見積もられている。

Yes, The 3DS is a Dying Platform

The Nintendo 3DS was the talk of E3 2010. And its first quarter of sales was very impressive, selling over a million units in Japan alone. But when the fervor died down, Nintendo had to keep the momentum going with compelling software. And that is where Nintendo stumbled. You simply can't have a quarter of sales propped up simply by one game: Zelda: Ocarina of Time. While the game sold well, the 3DS itself sold abysmally in the spring quarter, with some estimating only 700k units sold.


Part of the problem was Nintendo's strategy: Nintendo arguably decided to hold some of its best games for the holiday season―effectively creating a dead zone for months where the 3DS was out of the news and lacking new software.

それは3DSの不振を招いた単なるソフト不足に留まらない。サードパーティの開発者たちが任天堂を離れ、競合先のコンソールや、グーグルのDroid StoreやアップルのiOS App Storeといった自由なマーケットへと移って行ったのだ。

But it wasn't just the lack of games (or an overinflated price-tag) that contributed to the lackluster 3DS sales. Third party developers have abandoned Nintendo in lieu of competing consoles and the freer markets offered by Google’s Droid Store and Apple’s iOS App Store.


Unless Nintendo can entice 3rd party developers to invest in the 3DS in the next two quarters, the 3DS is dead. Sure, Nintendo will be able to gain traction again around the holiday season, when they'll likely release a new Pokemon game and other AAA titles.

だが、任天堂ソニーのPS Vitaのローンチと戦うことになるはずだ。話題のニューカマーであるPS Vitaのローンチから衆目を3DSの方に向けるため、任天堂は多大な努力を要することになる。3DSに対する世論が“失望”に変わりつつある今、世間のイメージを引っくり返すのは困難だろう。

But then they'll likely compete with the Sony PlayStation Vita's launch. Nintendo will have to do a great deal to draw the attention back to its handheld when rival Sony's launch will be in the news more by nature of being the new kid on the block. And now that the narrative has shifted to the 3DS being a disappointment, it'll be hard to shake that image in the public mind.

3DSがPS Vitaに圧勝したり、あるいは携帯ゲーム市場で確固たる地位を築く可能性はほんのわずかだ。3DSのテクノロジーはそれほど先進的ではない。多くのユーザーは、3DSが先代のDSiから大きく進化しているとは考えていないのだ。新手の立体視グラフィックと3Dカメラは別として、3DS任天堂のこれまでの携帯機よりも技術的に優位な点はほとんど存在しないのだ。グーグルのDroidやアップルのiPhoneと比較しても、3DSはひ弱に見える。どちらもタッチスクリーンと加速度センサーによるゲームプレイが可能であり、3DSよりも機能面で優れている。

And there's very little reason to see the 3DS massively outselling the Vita or further strengthening its position in the handheld market. The 3DS just simply isn't that impressive a piece of technology. Many users see the 3DS as not much of step forward from the last-gen DSi, giving them little reason to invest in the new device. Aside from the gimmicky 3D graphics and dual-cameras, the 3DS offers little technological advantage over the previous Nintendo handheld -- and seems wimpy compared to Google's Droid and Apple's iPhone, which both offer touchscreen and accelerometer gameplay what being simply more functional than the 3DS.

第2四半期における3DSの不振だけを見て「瀕死のプラットフォーム」だとは言えないが、プラットフォームにとっての「生き血」─つまりサードパーティのゲームソフト─がどこにもないことは事実だ。ますます多くのユーザーがクールで新しいPS Vitaや多機能なスマートフォンに群がり、3DSは静かな眠りに就くことだろう。

It's not that the 3DS' bad 2nd quarter indicates it’s a dying platform. It's the fact that the lifeblood of a platform -- 3rd party games -- aren't anywhere to be found. As more and more users flock to the cool new Vita or the more functional phone platforms, the 3DS is going to go quietly into that good night.

次に、Kat Bailey氏の記事を引用します。


金融界では、任天堂3DSの大幅な値下げをアナリストは「市場調整(market correction)」と呼ぶだろう。

The 3DS Still Has Some Life in It

In financial circles, I expect that analysts would call Nintendo's massive price drop "a market correction."

認めよう。ニンテンドー3DSの250ドルという価格はあまりにも高すぎた。長い間、任天堂の携帯機の価格設定は安価で子供に優しかったし、だからこそ今回の割高な価格設定は奇妙なものであった。3DSDSiよりも強力だが、iPod Touchのように多機能さで(200ドル程度の)価格を正当化できる商品とは土俵が違うのだ。

Let's face it, $250 was always far too much to ask for the Nintendo 3DS. Nintendo has long positioned its portable lineup as being low-cost and kid-friendly, which was what made the premium pricing so strange. The 3DS is more powerful than the DSi; but it's hardly in the same ballpark as something like an iPod Touch, which justifies its price through sheer utility (and can be found pretty easily for about $200).


As such, it's hardly any surprise that younger gamers stayed away in droves, while traditional early adopters took a "wait and see" approach. The writing was on the wall here.


But that doesn't mean that the 3DS is dead in the water--far from it. At $170, the 3DS suddenly becomes a much more attractive proposition going into the holiday season, which is when most of the hardware sales happen anyway. Nintendo also still has its ultimate trump card: Pokemon. Pikachu and company have helped Nintendo dominate the portable market for a solid decade now via the youth vote, and that doesn't figure to be changing anytime soon.


Call me an eternal optimist, but Nintendo still has a few bullets in its chamber for this one. And the fact that they moved so swiftly with this price cut tells me that retaining the portable market is still a very high priority for them.


Anyway, who knows? This may indeed be the beginning of the end of the specialized portable gaming device. But I believe the 3DS's struggles thus far have as much to do with Nintendo's missteps as the rise of iOS gaming and other portable alternatives.


Keep a close eye on the 3DS over the holiday though. If it doesn't start to turn it around, then it probably really is time for Nintendo to panic.

お二方とも、今回の値下げとキラータイトルが年末商戦の鍵となる、という点では一致している。そして、任天堂にとって楽な戦いではないという点でも。特にChris Holt氏の予想はかなり厳しい(DSi3DSの性能に大差がない、というのはさすがに極端か)。その上、年末にはPS Vitaに加えてアップルの新型機が市場に登場している可能性も高い。果たして今回の3DSの値下げが年末商戦にどう影響するのか、値下げ以外にどのような戦略が用意されているのか、ぜひ「注視」していきたい。