PS Vitaは「自動車事故」? 真の敵は3DSでなくスマートフォンだ

なお、「car wreck」(自動車事故)はあくまで「物事の事態がめちゃめちゃというニュアンス」を示した比喩で(こちらのページから引用しました)、もちろん文字通りの「自動車事故」ではない(強烈な比喩であることに変わりはないけど)。
以下、GAMING BLENDに掲載されたPete Haas氏の記事「Heavy Iron Studios: PS Vita Is A Car Wreck」を引用します。

元記事:Heavy Iron Studios: PS Vita Is A Car Wreck

今後あちこちの掲示板で、「Heavy Iron Studio」というワード入りの怒った書き込みを見ることになるはずだ。『UFC Personal Trainer』(Xbox 360KINECT用ソフト)の開発元は、今回のインタビューで語気を強めて明言した。「PS Vitaは“自動車事故”(car wreck)になるだろう」と。

You're about to see the words "Heavy Iron Studios" pop up on a few angry forum posts. The UFC Personal Trainer developer came out swinging in a new interview, stating that the upcoming PS Vita will be a "car wreck."

3DSに249ドルも払いたくない人たちが、どうしてVitaには299ドルも払う?」Heavy Ironの社長、Lyle Hallは言う。「みんな、ポケットに2つ以上のモノを入れて歩きたくない。AndroidiPhoneが成功した理由はそこだ。ゲーム以外の色んな機能を提供したからこそ選ばれているんだ」

"If people aren't willing to pay $249 for a Nintendo 3DS why would they pay $299 for Vita?" Heavy Iron president Lyle Hall told "People don't want to carry more than one thing in their pocket, that's why Android and iPhone have done so well, they are the devices of choice, they offer multiple functions outside of gaming."

Heavy IronのMatthew Seymourは付け加える。「ソニーとVitaには申し訳ないが、Vitaは“自動車事故”だ。Xperia Playはどう思う? 私はもっと売れてほしいね」

Heavy Iron's Matthew Seymour added: "With all due respects to Sony and Vita, it's a car wreck. And how about Xperia Play? I'd love to pull up the numbers on that."


"The technology is sweet," Hall continued. "I'm a huge fan of mobile technology. But I just don't know there's a market out there any more for the hardware. I can't see why you would want to put a device out that only does games."


The new model of the DS, the 3DS, has sold below expectations since its launch earlier this year. Nintendo cut the price by $80 in hopes of boosting sales. A PSP fan might see the 3DS' underperformance as an opportunity for the Vita. If the Vita's main rival is weak, that can only be good for the Vita, right?


Well, the problem with that argument is that the 3DS isn't the Vita's sole competition anymore. Over 100 million iPhones have been sold worldwide. The iPhone (or Android or whatever) is a harder beast for the Vita to slay, too. It's presenting a completely different model of consumption, with smaller games for much lower prices than PSP titles. As Hall points out, the iPhone is also a multi-use device. It's a lot more convenient to own an iPhone than a PSP and a mobile phone.


Ultimately, the handheld market isn't going to won in the traditional ways. The Vita may be the most powerful gaming device and it could end up with the best software. However, that might not matter to many gamers when weighed against more convenient, cheaper options.