
一方、Modojoに掲載されたChris Buffa氏の記事「Nintendo: Ways To Boost 3DS Sales With iOS And Android」では、「任天堂スマートフォン市場にも参入しつつ3DSビジネスを成功させる方法」が書かれていた。任天堂はすでに織り込み済みかもしれないが、この記事の方法は比較的ありえる線ではないだろうか。立体視がなくてもデモ版の提供には価値がありそう。バーチャルコンソールなら『マリオ』シリーズは厳しいけど『メトロイド』ぐらいまでは許容範囲かも?

元記事:Nintendo: Ways To Boost 3DS Sales With iOS And Android | Modojo


Some hardcore fans, meanwhile, would hate to see Nintendo's games on competing devices (for the record, Nintendo feels its products are in a separate category). To these diehard supporters, playing Super Mario Bros. on the iPhone would not only be blasphemous, but a decisive blow to the company's image.
For all these reasons, Nintendo finds itself in the toughest spot since 1985. How does it please both its shareholders and the fans while maintaining high profits and its good standing?

マリオと任天堂が、App StoreAndroid Marketplaceで大きな評判を集めつつ、3DSビジネスに傷を付けず進めていくことは十分に可能だ。この方法なら、3DSの売上は時間が経つにつれて向上していくかもしれない。以下がその方法だ。

It's a tough predicament, but we feel the publisher should enter smart phone gaming now, instead of waiting to see if 3DS performs well this holiday season. If it waits and the handheld fails, overwhelming pressure from investors will force the company's hand.
Thing is, Mario and Co. can make a huge splash on both the App Store and Android Marketplace without necessarily hurting the 3DS moving forward. If anything, doing this could increase 3DS sales over time. Here's how.

1. 無料の攻略ガイドアプリをリリースする


Release free downloadable strategy guides

We stopped purchasing strategy guides years ago, largely because they're too expensive and sit around the office.
Nintendo can solve these issues by releasing free downloadable strategy guides for upcoming and released 3DS games. These guides would offer tips, screenshots and videos for titles you can only find on the publisher's platform. Just imaging having a detailed Mario Kart 7 or Pokemon guide on your phone. It would be the perfect compliment to the actual game.
The result? Guaranteed success. Smart phone users would feel more inclined to purchase the system and the game if Nintendo gives away the guide.

2. 3DSソフトの無料デモ版をリリースする


Release free 3DS demos

Same deal as the strategy guides, but with even more temptation. Bring one Mario Kart 7 track to iOS and Android, then cut off the user after he or she completes one to three laps, making it clear that the only way to continue playing is to buy a 3DS.

3. バーチャルコンソールソフトをリリースする


Release Virtual Console games on smart phones

Nintendo's first forays into smart phone gaming will be gradual, and the company's back catalogue is the perfect place to start. The publisher will make a killing re-releasing classic NES, SNES, N64 and portable games on iOS and Android for the same prices that Wii, DS and 3DS owners pay. That way, there's no jealousy that iPhone users were able to download something like The Legend of Zelda at a reduced price.
With this in mind, Nintendo shouldn't bring the full 3DS VC lineup to smart phones. Release a handful of games and remind iPhone/Android users that there's a bigger library of titles on 3DS.

4. 安価なスマートフォンゲームにクーポンを仕込む

例えば、『Dr.マリオ』をiOS向けにリリースするとしよう。そして、プレイした人がある一定のスコアに達したら、ゲーム購入のための印刷可能なクーポンが添付されたメールが届く。それは『ゼルダの伝説 時のオカリナ3D』の5ドル割引かもしれないし、3DS本体の10ドル割引かもしれない。きっとうまくいくはずだ。

Bake 3DS discounts into cheap smart phone games

Everyone loves a bargain, especially when it comes to video games. Nintendo can capitalize on this by releasing smart phone apps that reward players with coupons for 3DS systems and software.
Let's say, for example, that the publisher brings Dr. Mario to iOS, then tells players that when they reach a certain score, they'll receive an email containing a printable coupon, good towards the purchase of a video game. Could be $5 off The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3D, or $10 off the purchase of a 3DS. It would work.

5. ポケモン図鑑スマートフォン向けにリリースする


Release the new Pokedex on iOS and Android

It should go without saying that the next Pokemon will be huge, with new areas to explore and monsters to catch. Would be cool if the game's encyclopedia containing all of the Pokemon, the Pokedex, was available free of charge (or at the very least, $0.99) on smart phones.
Taking this a step further, Nintendo could probably enable a wireless sync between 3DS systems and iPhones, allowing players to unlock pieces of the Pokedex over time as they progress through the video game.