
Gamasutraに、Pavel Golubev氏の記事「なぜアプリのユーザーはお金を払わないのか」(Free-to-Play (F2P) - Why Mobile App Users Don't Pay)が掲載されていました。いわゆるフリーミアム型のゲームにおいて(いわゆる「ガチャ」で射幸心をあおるような手法とは別に)ユーザーからお金をいただくにはどうすればいいか、という内容となっており、簡潔で要点を押さえた記事だと感じました。

元記事:Gamasutra: Pavel Golubev's Blog - Free-to-Play (F2P) - Why Mobile App Users Don't Pay

The overwhelming majority of users are non-paying at 90-95%. They are the main audience of your application and without them, your app's popularity would tank.


If the number of players who switch to paying is still low, it is worth considering how your IAP can compete with your free content. If users do not leave your application after a week, but still do not go monetized, this might mean that they are quite comfortable with your free content, and they don't see any need to pay for its expansion.
Why the users don't pay:


1. ユーザーがストアを訪れない

Hidden store. There are two different versions of the problem: first – when the user is comfortable without paying, and second – when he does not know how to get into the store within the application and whether it exists at all. You should always remember that each screen should be able to go into a store and make a purchase. No one knows at which point your user will decide to buy something.


2. 「実績」が多すぎる

The application contains too many awards, so the progress of the user goes quite smoothly without any cash injections.


3. ユーザーの欲求とのズレ

IAP offer doesn't meet the wants of your users. What if your user wants to not only unlock the content and but also disable advertising? Think about it and offer it to them via IAP.


4. 価値のない課金コンテンツ

Benefit from the AIP is not obvious enough. The most common problem: the overstated price of IAP, which is why people are not willing to part with large sums of money for little benefit.


5. セキュリティの甘さ

The application is easy to crack to get additional content without any material costs. Mind the security of your application, before the problem goes large-scale.
