
2007年の6月29日に初代iPhoneが発売されてから5周年を迎えた。Johnny Minkley氏は、iPhoneがこの5年におけるゲーム産業への途方もない影響について考察する記事をgamesindustryに公開した。
元記事:This Changes Everything: iPhone's Five-Year Gaming Revolution | GamesIndustry.biz

iPhoneが6月29日で5周年を迎えた。[中略] アップルのiPhoneビジネスは、単体でマイクロソフト全体の収益を上回っている(2012年Q1で226億9000万ドル対174億1000万ドル。詳しくはこの目を見張るinfographicを参照)。

iPhone turned five on June 29th. We can all reel off success-related facts and figures, but here's one that must make particularly sobering reading for Sprague today: Apple's iPhone business alone is now worth more than Microsoft's in its entirety ($22.69bn vs. $17.41bn, Q1 2012 revenue - as detailed in this eye-opening infographic).
I can't think of another product that has had a bigger impact than iPhone in a similar timeframe. That, of course, goes for its impact in gaming too, and at the half-decade point it's worth reflecting on the revolutionary changes, good and bad, the device has inspired in our own industry.


現行世代の据え置きゲーム機がローンチしたとき、iPhoneはまだ存在していなかったし、App Storeの登場はiPhoneの発売から1年を待たなければならなかった。今や、3億6500万台のiOS機器が販売されている。うち2億1800万台はiPhoneだ。そして、アップルによって開かれた扉から新たなライバルが猛進する。少なくともGoogleによれば、4億台のAndroid機器がアクティベートされたという。ゲームデバイスを語る上で、ミリオン(100万)という単位ではもはや足りないのだ。

iPhone didn't exist when the current generation of consoles launched, and it wasn't until a year later that the App Store arrived. Now, 365 million iOS devices have been sold worldwide, 218 million of which are iPhones. And new competitors have stormed in through the door iPhone smashed open, not least Google, which just announced 400 million Android activations. In the space of five years, talking about gaming devices in terms of "millions" is no longer enough.

ゲームソフトも同様だ。今年の初めに、Rovioは『Angry Birds』のダウンロード数10億本達成を祝った。もちろんこれは複数のプラットフォームにまたがった数字ではあるが、成功の出発点となったのはiPhoneだった。
こう考えてみてほしい──もし『Angry Birds』がソニー製携帯機の独占タイトルだったら? 物理エンジンとマンガ調の鳥を使った平凡なゲームが10億回もダウンロードされただろうか。必要なのはアップルのエコシステム、インストールベース、そしてクールな文化的名声だ。

That applies to games now, too. Earlier this year, Rovio celebrated one billion downloads of Angry Birds. That's across many platforms, naturally, but the springboard to success was iPhone. Think of it another way: imagine that Angry Birds had been an exclusive Sony handheld title. You don't reach a billion based on a spectacularly unoriginal physics game and some cartoon birds alone. It needed the ecosystem, installed base and cool cultural cachet of Apple.


何年か前、労働党議員のTom Watsonからこんな話を聞いた。ある政府高官は『Guitar Hero』(大ヒットした据え置き機用の音楽ゲーム)にハマっていたが、それを公にしようとしなかった。地元紙に書き立てられることを恐れたからだ。

That last point is particularly important. iPhone has done more to make gaming a regular, normal 'thing' in five years than the traditional games industry has managed in 40. A few years ago, Labour MP, passionate gamer and scourge of News Corp, Tom Watson, told me he knew a Government Minister who was addicted to Guitar Hero, but was too afraid to admit it publicly for fear of being excoriated by his local press.

イギリスの政治家が「イケてる(with it)」と言いたがるとき、彼らはXboxではなくiPhoneについて、マリオではなくAngry Birdsについて話している。アップルの悪名高い「現実歪曲フィールド」は、(Steve Jobsの)プレスカンファレンスの場をはるかに越えて広がっていく。もしイギリスの首相iPadの『Fruit Ninja』に夢中だとわかれば、大衆は首相に共感を覚えてしまうだろう。ハリウッドスタースマートフォンの『Words With Friends』を止めることを拒否して飛行機から追い出されるのはクールなことだ。携帯ゲーム専用機では起こり得ないだろう。

When British politicians want to sound 'with it', they talk about iPhone not Xbox, Angry Birds not Mario. The effects of Apple's infamous reality distortion field reach far beyond the walls of its press conferences. The public can empathise when it emerges that the British Prime Minister is obsessed with Fruit Ninja on iPad. It's cool when a Hollywood star gets booted off a plane for refusing to stop playing Words With Friends on his smartphone. It wouldn't happen with handheld consoles.



Smartphone gaming, spearheaded by iPhone, has become an essential part of daily life and culture because it happens on the only device essential to daily life. Whatever their many merits, that cannot be said of a bespoke gaming system.

理論上、あらゆるiPhoneのゲームは、レベル構成や難易度も含めてPS Vitaでもそのままプレイできるはずだ。ただし、それは単にハードウェアの性能に関する話でしかない。その傑出したデザインとスペックにもかかわらず、PS Vitaが自己の正当化のために苦闘しているのは、明らかに性能とは別の理由があるのだ。

I should, in theory, be able to play every single iPhone game in existence on a PlayStation Vita, while enjoying experiences with a level of depth and complexity impossible on a smartphone. If only it were solely a question of hardware capabilities. Manifestly it isn't, which is why for all the brilliance of its design and enormous potential, Vita struggles to justify its existence.



The economics and accessibility of iPhone have also made gaming ruthlessly disposable, with a profound impact on design. As businesses fret over the painful transition to a free content model, consumers try something, dump it, try something else, dump that, then leave the Post Office queue without a thought.

それでも、トップチャートの成功事例に焚き付けられた楽観主義が、見向きもされないことへの恐怖を覆い隠していった──App Storeでは一日に100本のゲームがアップロードされ、それらすべてが「巨大な干し草の山の中の針」となって消えていくのだ。

In this context a game has mere seconds to impress before it is banished back into the ether and damned with a one-star review. Needless to say, that is not a friendly environment for great ideas that need a little explaining to flourish.
Meanwhile, optimism fuelled by chart-topping successes has been replaced by the
awful fear of anonymity: with 100 games uploaded to the App Store every day, each one becomes another needle in an immense haystack.


NaturalMotionのCEO・Torsten Reilが先週Game Horizonに語ったところによれば、もはや従来の安全策(優れたゲームデザインを宣伝・マーケティングで支える)に依存することはできなくなった。これらは「時間と金の無駄」でしかないという。

Traditional safety nets - a great game design backed by good PR and marketing - can no longer be relied upon. Indeed, NaturalMotion CEO Torsten Reil argued compellingly at Game Horizon last week that they are a waste of time and money.
"[PR] has no impact that you can see for a big game when you run a dedicated, very well executed PR campaign," he said. "It does nothing, absolutely nothing. The download numbers that you're dealing with overall are so huge that any PR downloads you create are just noise."

マーケティングの予算もない中で、希望は持てるだろうか? 『Tiny Wings』『New Star Soccer』など、ここには数多くの「素晴らしい失敗作」が存在する。現世代のiPhoneにおいて、あらゆる批評家のレビューよりも口コミの方がずっと重要なのだ。

What hope, then, for those without any kind of marketing budget? For every Tiny Wings and New Star Soccer, there are innumerable beautiful failures. In the age of iPhone, word-of-mouth is more important than any critic's review.

『Infinity Blade』の成功が示すもの

差別化を図るにはどうすべきか。Reilによれば、それはプロダクションの基準にかかっている──シンプルなコンセプトに、据え置き機レベルの品質を適用するのだ。その証拠にEpic Gamesは、『Infinity Blade』が投資効率において過去のあらゆる作品の中で最も有益なタイトルであることを先週明らかにしている。

What can make a difference now, according to Reil, is the standard of production, bringing console-quality presentation to the simplest of concepts. Epic Games has proved this most convincingly, revealing last week that Infinity Blade is its most profitable title ever in terms of return on investment.

このファンタジー格闘ゲームが示しているのは、iPhone物語の別の一面だ──技術の早成な進化である。高価な据え置き機が長期サイクルの中で留まっている間に、サードパーティ作品を持たない低機能の電話に過ぎなかったiPhoneは、50万本以上のアプリとRetinaディスプレイを備えた高馬力のデバイスへと成長を遂げた──ソニーが『Gran Turismo 5』を制作するよりも短い期間に、である。

And the fantasy fighting title highlights another important chapter in the iPhone story: the rapid evolution of technology. With expensive consoles stuck in long cycles, iPhone has transformed from a poor phone with no third-party content into a retina-screened gaming powerhouse with over half a million apps to choose from in less time than it took Sony to make Gran Turismo 5.



Is it any wonder the traditional games industry is running scared? So nervous of the mere idea that Apple might be making a television, Microsoft broadcast to the world that SmartGlass will "turn any TV into a smart TV". What could they be thinking of?


"If iPhone has made the console business sweat and suffer, it is also hardly killing off console games"
If iPhone has made the console business sweat and suffer, it is also hardly killing off console games. Rather, there are now more games, more types of game, and more people playing them than ever. It's not an either/or, zero-sum game; but every company must now find its place in the new world order.



But you know what the truly amazing aspect of iPhone's gaming revolution is? That it happened without Apple even really trying. The company hasn't the slightest interest in making games; it just created the right platform, delivery mechanism and economics for them in the eyes - and hands - of consumers.


Not bad going for a five-year-old.